So - would you like to "eavesdrop" on cities around the world via live webcams? Are you missing baseball like I am? Would you like to lighten your day a bit with funny animal videos? Are you somewhat of an "armchair" daredevil?
Maybe you would rather "listen" than "watch"? Well, let's see . . . you could learn a new language. Listen to some classical music. How about tuning in to some old time radio programs?
Why not share your thoughts (anonymously) in a survey for persons 65 and older?
This is the third installment of our "virtual experiences" that you can share with residents, employees, family, friends, customers - anyone and everyone - to help with the isolation many are feeling in these uncertain times.
Thanks to those have provided suggestions. Keep them coming! We'll do our best to find new and interesting topics for you.
Thank you and stay safe!
PROVIDE INPUT (by taking this quick survey, you will be providing us with information on the impact of COVID-19.)
Berlin Philharmonic - is offering free access to their library of hundreds of recorded concerts, plus documentary features, and more.
PBS Documentary "Baseball" - Ken Burns is offering FREE access to view his "Baseball" documentary at the PBS website.